Quick Heal Total Security 18 Crack

Quick Heal Total Security 18.00 Crack + License Key Latest Version 2020

Quick Heal Total Security 18.00 Crack + License Key Latest Version 2020

Quick Heal Total Security 18 Crack

Quick Heal products available for evaluation. Some products come with Heal’s comprehensive virus scanner is enhanced to be able to detect any threats to your device while overusing your resources or slowing down your computer. Speed. The program also keeps you safe by preventing harmful websites from being visited and blocking emails that may infect infected attachments. For best protection, security experts agree that antivirus software is not enough. So Quick Heal Total Security Crack also contains fireworks. This feature blocks out external threats that may arise in the networks you use and prevents them from ever reaching your computer.

Full security for fast recovery includes several measures to keep your personal information secure. It uses sophisticated technology to keep track of your banking transactions and prevents programs called keyloggers from recording what you criticize when filling out an online form. With so many different security features, Quick Heal Total Security promises to protect your computer to represent virtually any threat. To what extent is this a promise? One recent study has shown that it does. AV-Comparatives recently ran the Quick Heal Total Security exam, which poses 186 different threats.

The program had a 100% lock rate because it was able to fix everything. This is very impressive. Quick Heal is easy to set up and operate. When you open the program you will like a large banner to let you know if the system is safe or if there are any issues you should attend. From there you can scan, change settings, and enable and disable various protection features.

Quick Heal Total Security 18.00 Crack:

As for additional features, Quick Heal Total Security is one of the most impressive antivirus programs. The list of top-quality security features is extremely long and includes a fireplace, bank protection, anti-key programs, and a browser sandbox. The program also includes a unique feature called PC2Mobile Scan that lets you scan for viruses on your mobile device by turning on your computer. This means you can use Quick Heal for your computer, just like any other mobile device in your home. As a bonus, Quick Heal Total Security even offers a computer tuner to keep your computer running at maximum efficiency.

Their price is a bit high, but given the excellent protection and great features, it’s not hard to argue that the software doesn’t offer much value. If you’re still not sure, Quick Heal Total Security offers a 30-day free trial. Quick Heal Total Security 64-bit protects your laptops and computers and provides protection against all types of Internet and network-based threats. Once installed, it acts as a shield against viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware, and other harmful threats. It also provides security against new and unknown threats with the well-known DNAScan technology from Quick Heal. Its enhanced anti-phishing function ensures that web browsing does not allow phishing sites.

It uses minimal system resources, completely protecting your system from its slowdown. Insurance for online banking, fluid Internet browsing, and robust security for your PC. Secure Banking protects your financial data while conducting banking operations and online purchases. Parental Control allows you to manage and control your children’s Internet and computer access. Enhanced malware protection blocks spyware, adware, keyloggers and other types of malware. Quick Heal Total Security 64-bit is the best security software for your Windows PC.


  • Data privacy protection not allowed duplication of data using flash drives.
  • Also, web Protection blocks unsafe websites that contain wrong codes. Some of the sites include malicious data and links that can harm your PC.
  • This software provides Email Security which blocks phishing and illegal emails from getting to your messages box. Your Mails are secure from unauthorized persons.
  • It uses USB Drive Protection that scans external storage devices.
  • In addition, it provides real-time security to ensures that any of the viruses did not encrypt your data.
  • Also, Quick Heal Total Security Crack includes a full Improved Scan Engine.
  • You can scan any of your drive or other portable media.
  • Get the latest Malwarebytes Crack from MacWinSofts.

Other Remarkable Things:

  • Anti Malware.
  • Active Firewall.
  • Anti Root-kit removal ability.
  • The Scan Engine.
  • Anti Spyware.
  • Parental Control facility.
  • Dual-Core Protection.
  • Trace my Laptop.
  • Superior Self-security.
  • Ransomware security.
  • offline and online security.
  • Perfect Core defense system.
  • Flash drive safety system and much more.


  • It has many advanced functions like launching anti-malware.
  • You can get a fast speed by running this application.
  • Install process is too easy.
  • Also, this antivirus is automatically built to detect viruses through the full memory of the CPU.
  • Protection from USB flash drives.
  • Similarly, Complete protection from the web browser.
  • Straightforward process for installation & activation.


  • It is good and complete protection software so no problem.

System specifications:

  • Space of 4GB for running the software.
  • Compatible with Windows XP,  Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista.
  • There should be 2BG RAM.
  • 1GHz Processor or a higher one for best performance.

How to Crack?

  • Download the Trial Version of Quick Heal Total Security 2018 from the given link below.
  • Install Setup.
  • Now, download the Crack from the button below.
  • Insert and use it into the installed folder.
  • Your software will be activated.
  • That’s All. Enjoy the latest version free!

Download Link:

Quick Heal Total Security/Setup:

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